HTML Attributes


HTML Attributes:

Attributes are additional piece of information.

What they are: They’re extra bits of information placed within an HTML element’s opening tag.

How they look: They come in name-value pairs, separated by an equals sign (=).

What they do: They provide additional instructions or details about the element, influencing its behavior, appearance, or accessibility.



<img src=“myimage.jpg” alt=“This is myimage”>


In the above example src and alt are attributes of img tag.

Common examples for HTML Attributes:


src: Specifies the source of an image or media file.

Example: <img src=”cute_dog.jpg” alt=”my favorite dog”>

href: Defines the destination of a hyperlink.

Example: <a href=””>Visit my website</a>

alt: Provides alternative text for images, essential for accessibility and search engines.

Example: <img src=”diagram.png” alt=”Flowchart of the process”>

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