Real time Java Multithreading Interview Questions for Experienced


Module: Messaging and Queue Handling using IBM MQ

  1. How do you use multithreading in the messaging module to process multiple messages concurrently?
  2. What synchronization techniques do you use to avoid race conditions while updating shared resources (e.g., database, logs)?
  3. Which Java collections (e.g., HashMap, PriorityQueue) are used in the messaging system? Why did you choose them?
  4. Can you explain how you implemented a priority-based queue to process high-priority messages first?
  5. Explain how you utilized Java 8 Streams or Lambda expressions for filtering and transforming message data before processing.
  6. How do you maintain readability while writing complex stream operations?
  7. How do you design Java classes to represent a message object? Which principles (e.g., SOLID, inheritance, or interfaces) did you follow?
  8. Did you use any design patterns (e.g., Singleton, Factory) in this module? Can you explain why?
  9. Have you encountered any performance issues due to garbage collection? How did you resolve them?
  10. How do you serialize Java objects when sending data across systems? Did you encounter any compatibility issues



  1. During a production run, you notice that message processing is slowing down due to thread contention. How would you resolve this issue?
  2. A client sends messages with a larger-than-expected payload, leading to OutOfMemoryError. How do you handle and optimize the processing of such messages?
  3. IBM MQ retries delivering the same message multiple times due to acknowledgment issues. How would you implement a mechanism to detect and handle duplicates in your code?
  4. A customer requests a detailed log of all message transactions. How do you implement this efficiently without degrading application performance?
  5. Your system crashes while processing a batch of messages. How do you ensure these messages are not lost and can be reprocessed?



  1. Use Java 8 Streams to filter messages based on content (e.g., filter messages containing specific keywords) and transform them into a new format before processing.
  2. Create a Java class to represent a message object. Serialize it to a file and then deserialize it back.
  3. Simulate a dead letter queue in Java by creating a list of failed messages. Write a program to retry processing these messages after fixing the issues.
  4. Write a Java program to consume messages from a queue in parallel using a thread pool. Ensure that each thread processes one message at a time and log the results.

Questions & Answers

  1. How do you use multithreading in the messaging module to process multiple messages concurrently?

In the messaging module, I used multithreading to handle multiple messages concurrently by implementing a thread pool using Java’s ExecutorService. Each message is processed as a separate task submitted to the thread pool, ensuring efficient resource utilization and avoiding thread exhaustion.

For instance, while using IBM MQ, each message retrieved from the queue was assigned to a thread, which processed the message and updated the database accordingly. This design helped in improving throughput and reducing latency.


ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);

while (true) {

    Message message = queue.receive(); // Example of receiving a message

    executor.submit(() -> processMessage(message));



  1. What synchronization techniques do you use to avoid race conditions while updating shared resources (e.g., database, logs)?

To avoid race conditions:

  • For shared resources like logs, I used Java’s ReentrantLock or synchronized blocks to ensure only one thread writes at a time.
  • For database operations, I used transactional operations to ensure atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID).
  • When working with counters or other simple variables, I utilized AtomicInteger or similar classes from the java.util.concurrent.atomic package.

When updating a shared log file:

private final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();


public void writeToLog(String message) {


    try {

        // Log the message safely

    } finally {





  1. Which Java collections (e.g., HashMap, PriorityQueue) are used in the messaging system? Why did you choose them?

In the messaging system:

  • PriorityQueue: To implement priority-based message processing. This ensured that high-priority messages were dequeued and processed first.
  • ConcurrentHashMap: To store metadata of messages, as it provides thread-safe operations with better performance than Hashtable.

Why these collections?

  • PriorityQueue efficiently maintains a priority order with O(log n) insertion and removal.
  • ConcurrentHashMap ensures safe concurrent access without blocking other threads unnecessarily, making it ideal for multithreaded environments.


  1. Can you explain how you implemented a priority-based queue to process high-priority messages first?

To implement a priority-based queue, I used Java’s PriorityQueue, where messages were enqueued with a custom comparator based on their priority level.


PriorityQueue<Message> messageQueue = new PriorityQueue<>(




// Adding messages to the queue

messageQueue.add(new Message(“Low priority”, 1));

messageQueue.add(new Message(“High priority”, 5));


// Processing

while (!messageQueue.isEmpty()) {

    Message message = messageQueue.poll(); // High priority processed first




  1. Explain how you utilized Java 8 Streams or Lambda expressions for filtering and transforming message data before processing.

I used Java 8 Streams and Lambda expressions to filter and transform message data for cleaner and more efficient processing. For example, I filtered out messages based on certain attributes (like expired messages) and transformed the valid messages into a specific format before processing.


List<Message> validMessages =

    .filter(msg -> !msg.isExpired()) // Filter expired messages

    .map(msg -> transformMessage(msg)) // Transform message format





  1. How do you maintain readability while writing complex stream operations?

To maintain readability:

  • I break down complex stream operations into smaller, reusable methods.
  • Use descriptive variable names and method references where possible.


List<Message> validMessages =

    .filter(this::isValidMessage) // Method for filtering

    .map(this::transformMessage) // Method for transformation


Here, isValidMessage and transformMessage are separate methods, improving readability.


  1. How do you design Java classes to represent a message object? Which principles (e.g., SOLID, inheritance, or interfaces) did you follow?

I designed the Message class by following SOLID principles:

  • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP): The class only encapsulates message-related data (e.g., priority, content, timestamp).
  • Open/Closed Principle (OCP): Used interfaces to extend the functionality without modifying the existing code.


public class Message {

    private String content;

    private int priority;

    private LocalDateTime timestamp;


    // Getters, Setters, and Constructor


For extensibility, I used interfaces:

public interface MessageProcessor {

    void process(Message message);



  1. Did you use any design patterns (e.g., Singleton, Factory) in this module? Can you explain why?

Yes, I used:

  • Singleton Pattern: To ensure a single instance of the messaging service (like IBM MQ connection) throughout the application, avoiding resource overhead.
  • Factory Pattern: To create different types of messages dynamically based on the input.

Singleton for Messaging Service:

public class MessagingService {

    private static MessagingService instance;


    private MessagingService() {}


    public static synchronized MessagingService getInstance() {

        if (instance == null) {

            instance = new MessagingService();


        return instance;




  1. Have you encountered any performance issues due to garbage collection? How did you resolve them?

Yes, I encountered garbage collection issues in applications with high message throughput, causing latency. To resolve this:

  1. Tuned JVM settings (e.g., increased heap size, enabled G1GC for lower pause times).
  2. Used object pooling for frequently created objects to reduce the load on the GC.
  3. Minimized temporary object creation by reusing objects where possible.

Instead of creating a new StringBuilder instance for each message, I reused a single instance:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

sb.setLength(0); // Reuse for a new message


  1. How do you serialize Java objects when sending data across systems? Did you encounter any compatibility issues?

For serialization, I primarily used JSON with libraries like Jackson or Gson, as JSON is lightweight and language-agnostic.


  1. Converted Java objects to JSON using Jackson.
  2. Ensured backward compatibility by using versioning in message schemas.


ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();

String json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(message);

Issue Encountered:

  • Incompatibility with changes in object structure during updates.
    Solution: Introduced a version field in the message schema and handled older versions gracefully using a deserialization strategy.
  1. During a production run, you notice that message processing is slowing down due to thread contention. How would you resolve this issue?

Thread contention often occurs when multiple threads compete for access to shared resources (e.g., locks, queues). To resolve this:

  1. Reduce Lock Granularity:
    • Minimized the scope of synchronized blocks or locks to reduce contention.
    • Used ConcurrentHashMap or other non-blocking data structures instead of synchronized collections.
  2. Increase Thread Pool Size Dynamically:
    • Monitored thread pool performance and adjusted thread pool size using ThreadPoolExecutor dynamically to handle load spikes.
  3. Partition Resources:
    • Divided the workload into smaller, independent partitions to reduce contention. For example, assigned messages to separate queues based on their category or priority.
  4. Profiling and Optimization:
    • Used profiling tools (e.g., VisualVM or JConsole) to identify bottlenecks and optimized them.

Using ConcurrentHashMap instead of a synchronized map for shared data access:


ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer> messageCounts = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

messageCounts.merge(key, 1, Integer::sum); // Thread-safe without locks


  1. A client sends messages with a larger-than-expected payload, leading to OutOfMemoryError. How do you handle and optimize the processing of such messages?

To handle large payloads:

  1. Stream-Based Processing:
    • Process the payload in chunks rather than loading the entire message into memory. Used Java’s InputStream and BufferedReader.
  2. Message Size Validation:
    • Added a validation mechanism to reject oversized messages at the gateway level or MQ level to prevent downstream processing issues.
  3. Compression and Splitting:
    • Asked the client to send compressed messages or split large payloads into smaller manageable chunks.
  4. Adjust JVM Memory Settings:
    • Tuned JVM heap size and GC parameters to handle larger memory demands temporarily during processing.

Processing a large JSON payload using Jackson’s streaming API:


JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JsonFactory();

try (JsonParser parser = jsonFactory.createParser(new File(“largePayload.json”))) {

    while (parser.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {

        // Process each token incrementally




  1. IBM MQ retries delivering the same message multiple times due to acknowledgment issues. How would you implement a mechanism to detect and handle duplicates in your code?

To detect and handle duplicate messages:

  1. Deduplication Key:
    • Used a unique message ID (e.g., UUID) included in the message header. Stored processed IDs in a ConcurrentHashMap or a distributed cache (e.g., Redis) with a time-to-live (TTL).
  2. Idempotent Operations:
    • Designed the processing logic to be idempotent, ensuring the same message can be processed multiple times without side effects.
  3. Manual Acknowledgment:
    • Acknowledged messages only after successful processing to reduce unnecessary retries.

Deduplication using a ConcurrentHashMap:

private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean> processedMessages = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();


public void processMessage(Message message) {

    if (processedMessages.putIfAbsent(message.getId(), true) == null) {

        // Process the message

    } else {

        System.out.println(“Duplicate message detected: ” + message.getId());




  1. A customer requests a detailed log of all message transactions. How do you implement this efficiently without degrading application performance?

To implement efficient logging:

  1. Asynchronous Logging:
    • Used a logging framework like Logback with asynchronous appenders to offload logging operations to separate threads.
  2. Structured Logging:
    • Included key details (e.g., message ID, timestamp, priority) in a structured format like JSON for better searchability.
  3. Centralized Logging:
    • Sent logs to a centralized system (e.g., Elasticsearch, Splunk) for storage and analysis.
  4. Log Sampling and Aggregation:
    • For high-volume transactions, sampled and aggregated logs to reduce verbosity while preserving essential details.

Using Logback’s async appender:

<appender name=”ASYNC” class=”ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender”>

    <appender-ref ref=”FILE” />


Generated structured logs:“Transaction log: {}”, new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(transactionLog));


  1. Your system crashes while processing a batch of messages. How do you ensure these messages are not lost and can be reprocessed?

To ensure no messages are lost:

  1. Transactional Message Processing:
    • Used MQ’s transaction features to only acknowledge a message after successful processing.
  2. Dead Letter Queue (DLQ):
    • Configured a DLQ in IBM MQ to capture unprocessed or failed messages for later inspection and reprocessing.
  3. Checkpointing:
    • Saved processing progress periodically to a database or cache, enabling the system to resume from the last checkpoint after a crash.
  4. Retry Mechanism:
    • Implemented a retry mechanism with exponential backoff for transient failures.

Using MQ’s transaction acknowledgment:

try {

    Message message = queue.receive();


    queueSession.commit(); // Commit only after successful processing

} catch (Exception e) {

    queueSession.rollback(); // Rollback on failure


Configured Dead Letter Queue:



  1. Use Java 8 Streams to filter messages based on content (e.g., filter messages containing specific keywords) and transform them into a new format before processing.

import java.util.*;



public class StreamFilterTransform {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        List<String> messages = Arrays.asList(

            “Order received: #12345”,

            “Payment failed for #54321”,

            “Order shipped: #67890”,

            “Invalid payment method”



        // Filter messages containing “Order” and transform them to uppercase

        List<String> filteredMessages =

            .filter(msg -> msg.contains(“Order”))




        // Process the filtered and transformed messages








  1. Create a Java class to represent a message object. Serialize it to a file and then deserialize it back.



class Message implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private String content;

    private int priority;


    public Message(String content, int priority) {

        this.content = content;

        this.priority = priority;




    public String toString() {

        return “Message{content='” + content + “‘, priority=” + priority + “}”;




public class SerializeDeserialize {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Message message = new Message(“Hello, this is a test message!”, 1);


        // Serialize the message to a file

        try (ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(“message.ser”))) {


            System.out.println(“Message serialized successfully!”);

        } catch (IOException e) {




        // Deserialize the message from the file

        try (ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(“message.ser”))) {

            Message deserializedMessage = (Message) ois.readObject();

            System.out.println(“Deserialized Message: ” + deserializedMessage);

        } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) {






  1. Simulate a dead letter queue in Java by creating a list of failed messages. Write a program to retry processing these messages after fixing the issues.

import java.util.*;


public class DeadLetterQueueSimulation {

    private static final List<String> deadLetterQueue = new ArrayList<>();


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        List<String> messages = Arrays.asList(

            “Message 1”, “Message 2”, “Message 3”



        // Simulate processing

        for (String message : messages) {

            try {


            } catch (Exception e) {

                System.out.println(“Failed to process: ” + message);

                deadLetterQueue.add(message); // Add to Dead Letter Queue




        // Retry processing failed messages

        System.out.println(“\nRetrying failed messages…”);

        Iterator<String> iterator = deadLetterQueue.iterator();

        while (iterator.hasNext()) {

            String failedMessage =;

            try {


                iterator.remove(); // Remove if successfully processed

            } catch (Exception e) {

                System.out.println(“Still failed: ” + failedMessage);





    private static void processMessage(String message) throws Exception {

        if (“Message 2”.equals(message)) { // Simulate a failure

            throw new Exception(“Simulated processing failure”);


        System.out.println(“Processed: ” + message);




Processed: Message 1

Failed to process: Message 2

Processed: Message 3


Retrying failed messages…

Processed: Message 2


  1. Write a Java program to consume messages from a queue in parallel using a thread pool. Ensure that each thread processes one message at a time and log the results.

import java.util.concurrent.*;

import java.util.*;


public class ParallelMessageProcessing {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        List<String> messages = Arrays.asList(

            “Message A”, “Message B”, “Message C”, “Message D”



        ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3); // Thread pool with 3 threads


        for (String message : messages) {

            executor.submit(() -> processMessage(message)); // Submit each message to the thread pool




        try {

            executor.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); // Wait for tasks to complete

        } catch (InterruptedException e) {





    private static void processMessage(String message) {

        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ” processing: ” + message);

        try {

            Thread.sleep(1000); // Simulate processing time

        } catch (InterruptedException e) {



        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ” finished: ” + message);



Example Output (varies due to thread execution):

pool-1-thread-1 processing: Message A

pool-1-thread-2 processing: Message B

pool-1-thread-3 processing: Message C

pool-1-thread-1 finished: Message A

pool-1-thread-1 processing: Message D

pool-1-thread-2 finished: Message B

pool-1-thread-3 finished: Message C

pool-1-thread-1 finished: Message D